Thursday, May 5, 2011

Child Mutilated for Profit

This story makes me sick to my stomach. The thought of a 7 year old boy being maimed in such a grotesque way is almost unthinkable. The things man will do to make money. One of the saddest things about this story is that it is come place in some of these countries. It is not always quit so violent but some times it is. Pray for these little ones who have no one to protect them from greedy men. A think what would God have you do to help them?

Here is the full story.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why do we talk instead of act?

This past week I have been thinking about why we do not act on our words as Christian. We say that we care about the lost but how many times do we stop and talk to someone about spiritual things? We say that we stand for life but there are children waiting for homes and we say we are to busy or give some other lame excuse to justify not taking them in. I mean if we expect a lost young girl to not abort a baby that will possibly ruin her plans but we will not sacrifice our comfort and finances to help those children already born with no home, what kind of hypocrites are we? We complain about the financial crisis in our country but instead of complaining about how to much money goes into welfare programs why doesn't the church stand up and care for these people with Christ's love and make the government programs obsolete. There are so many examples that I could make but it all comes back to the original question. Why do we talk, complain, and judge instead of acting with Christ's love by sacrificing our time, money, and lives? Here is a song that kind speaks to this issue.