Friday, May 21, 2010

Contentment in Ministry

So I kinda feel like an outsider right now. I am in a whole different ministry, with a whole different focus. I know God has em here but every day it gets harder to stay content. I love what I am doing right now. I mean getting to teach kids about God every night is great but I can feel my heart being torn away to those who physical are fatherless. I need to keep my prospective though. God has put me in a ministry and I need to be faithful to the end. God has given me a ministry to a boy hundreds of miles away, who is going through some hard times. If you think about it pray for wisdom for me. he is asking a lot of hard questions and I don't have all the answers. Thankfully I have a God who does.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mondern Day Slavery is Real!
This video show the statistics but what are you going to do to stop it? I know I have not been aware of the issue. I am just learning but I know God is growing in me a passion for those in physical bondage. If you have any info for me as I start this journey I would love to hear.

Friday, May 14, 2010

causelife 60 second promo

What is the answer to poverty? Water!?

I just read a book called CauseLife. It was eye opening about how water can change so many lives. i have traveled to several countries and you always hear the "don't drink the water" warnings. I always thought that was because my stomach could not handle it. What I did not realize is that the natives' stomach cannot handle it either, it is killing them. The reason is the water is contaminated with worms, parasites, bacteria, and diseases! "Unclean water, together with the poor sanitation it creates, is the number one killer in the World. Combine war, malaria, HIV/aids, and even traffic accidents ... dirty water still kills more people." That is a quot from the book CauseLife. Many of those are children and almost all those are living in sever poverty. One of the best ways to prevent this is to provide clean water. So check out what to see how to combat this problem and if you want this book you can get it for free there as well.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to End the Crises

It is amazing to think that if only 7% of professing Christians adopted one child, there would be no orphan crises. So why aren't people adopting? Well i see a couple reasons. First most people don't realize God heart for orphans, so they do nothing. Secondly people are scared. they are afraid to do anything that might bring trial (which make us more like Christ by the way). Lastly they can't. Whether it is because of age or other restrictions, they just physical or legally can not do it. What catagory do you find yourself in?

"A Father to the Fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families." Psalm 68:5,6

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Heart

Well as my first post I think I will share my heart with you. I have a burden for the Fatherless. Now when I say fatherless I do not just mean those without a father. I believe that anyone who does not know the love of a father or mother could fit into that category and in a spiritual sense that would be anyone who is not a Christ follower. I however use that term more for those who physically do not have that kind of love. So by God's power I want to live my life to show those children love, Christ's love.