Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Does Immigration Help World Poverty?

I was made aware of this video clip though an email. It talks about how immigration is hurting the impoverished people of the world and how if we really want to make a difference we need to infest in local leaders, who are willing to stay in their countries and change them. It is only 6 min and it will be well worth your time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Life and Justice Conference

Just wanted to let everyone know about a conference this weekend (Jan 22). It is the Life and Justice Conference put on by Focus on the Family, New Life Church, Children's HopeChest, and iEmpathize. I found out about this conference on Tom Davis' blog and am going to try tp be listening in on the web. I hope you will be listening as well.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year

Another year has come and gone. Looking back it was a year filled with change and taking steps toward the fulfillment of my hearts desire, aka caring for the fatherless. Those steps include getting connected with the Christian Alliance For Orphans and it’s member organizations, reading several books on caring for the fatherless, and changing my major at Liberty Univ. to Family and child development. Also I have meet many families that have adopted or are in the process. I became the vice-president of the International Justice Mission chapter at Liberty as well.
I am very excited about this upcoming year. There are many opportunities on the horizon. One of which is a possible missions trip to a Ugandan orphanage. Also, I am going to try to go to the Summit VII put on by the Christian Alliance For Orphans. I am going to try to be updating this blog more with what I am doing as well as the usual news stories. Please pray that God would continue to provide the finances for school and other things he calls me to do. Have a great beginning to the year.