I have been thinking about eternity recently. The question that comes to my head is “What am I doing today that matters for eternity?” Sadly, I think most days the answer is nothing. But how would it look if everyday I did something for eternity? Does that I mean I don’t do anything but witness. What else matters for eternity? The Bible talks about storing up treasures in Heaven. So giving lasts for eternity. Jesus also says whatever you do for the least of these you have done for me. So loving the poor, the widow and the orphan matters for eternity. What about prayer, having a relationship with God? That would have to matter. I know this is just a starting place but I want to get us thinking about why we are here. What are we doing to make our life count and when we get to heaven here God say “Well done my good and faithful servant”?
If you have more thing that matter please leave a commit and lets help one another on our journey.